The best way to give to small investments

  1. NFT pledge mining will be activated after the pre-sale.

  2. When minting NFT, you need to use ETH and LGP tokens.

  3. The initial NFT minting price is: 0.01 ETH + 10U worth of LGP

Rules and Cautions

  • For every 100 NFTs minted, the NFT price increases by 0.01 ETH + 10U of LGP

(Example: 1st-100th mint NFT is 0.01ETH + 10U worth of LGP,The 101st-200th mint NFT is 0.02ETH + 20U worth of LGP, and so on)

  1. The ETH obtained during the minting process will automatically go into the treasury and be used for voting investments

  2. The USDT obtained during the minting process is automatically added to the liquidity

  3. The LGP generated during the casting of NFT will be automatically burned into a black hole.
